Sneak Up II Unisex T-shirt

Image 5-9-24 at 11.26 AM 2.JPG
Image 5-9-24 at 11.26 AM 2.JPG

Sneak Up II Unisex T-shirt


The second of the Sneak Up series that was originally taken from my ledger work, but made into a digital illustration. This one features a dancer with Crow Belt for bustle, while holding an ash bow & golden eagle fan. He is crouching and searching while dancing to the beat. Originally the song starts with quick random beats signify the sound of battle and danger. The dancer crouches and wait til it starts back up to move forward. I have heard of a man being placed in the center of arena to represent a captured/ fallen comrade. You charge three times and retrieve the warrior on the last pushup. Today there is no physical man in the center but the meaning stays the same. So take heed and stay down until it is time to advance.

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